The venue is racking up Couples Choice awards but remains a hidden gem only beginning to enter the limelight. Relatively new, and pristine, with unusual desert mountain landscaping and architecture.

The property brings together one spectacular asset after another in an array of beauty that will put you in touch with true nature during your once-in-a-lifetime day. Black Oak was developed as an all-organic vineyard and uses *structured* water throughout, even on the vines. The pool is a salt pool and also uses structured water (feels SO good). The property promotes healing energy and feels like home from the very moment you and your guests enter it. The land is very special and we love it dearly.

All-organic… healing energy, and California-grown.

150 acres of Privacy.

There won’t be any tasting groups “pulling up” during your wedding. There won’t be a second, third, or fourth wedding “in progress” during this incredible time in your life. The good thing about this is it’s not Napa. (sorry, Napa).

We have two jaw-dropping facilities, a desert mountain Villa, an interior designed by famed Kristi Sandford, and a well-appointed modern barn for the party to end all parties. Cut-off in Cali is at 10 PM, but you can lead the party animals into the barn and go crazy till midnight if desired.

There’s an area even higher than the estate Villa, loaded with spectacular 80-year-old Black Oaks and 360° views all the way to the Snow-Capped Sierras. Your wedding will take place here. Jaw-dropping is an understatement. One wedding planner brought up actual church pews. She’s in our Little Black Book of exclusive vendors if you need her.

If you’re staying over, invite your best guests to be with you at the Villa. Get up early, brew our PachaMama local coffee (French is best!) and go out to experience the views to heaven and beyond. We’ll have the spa hot for you, of course.

You don’t want to plan just a wedding; you want to plan an epic party to end them all. The most incredible celebration of life, love, and family that has ever been.